The Making of Our Tardis Chicken Coop

Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this post. You can read my full disclosure here

My husband has wanted chickens for a while now, but it was not until last year that I jumped on the bandwagon. It became one of our criteria when we decided to look for a new house. 

"How many chickens can we have?" was the top question when we decided to see a house and eventually we found a house we loved that would allow us up to five chickens. We made the move at the end of August 2019 so there was no time of course to build a coop and get chickens, so that became our goal for 2020. 

Of course, we could not just have any normal run of the mill chicken coop, and being a Doctor Who fan, I always wanted a Tardis in our yard, so why not a Tardis chicken coop?

Here is what it looked like unassembled:

Once all the pieces were cut, the next part was painting. We coated the Tardis parts in white primer. For this part we even let our daughter help paint. For the rest of the coop, we used a wood stain for a more natural look.

We then painted the Tardis parts using Sherwin Williams's salty dog, which was the closest we could find to Tardis Blue. We did two coats of blue paint.


Then all was left to do was to put it all together!


And here is what it looks like completed:


We got all our Tardis Police Box decals and metal sign from ApplicablePunDecals on Etsy.
We used a solar-powered light so the Tardis light does work at night!

Here are some pictures of the inside of the Tardis coop:


The top photo shows what it looked like before we added the straw and roosts. We plan on putting two nesting boxes where the Tardis doors open once our chickens are old enough. They are currently seven weeks.


The added on back part to the Tardis also has a door that lifts up, which makes it easier to change the chickens' food and water. 

The coop can hold up to five chickens comfortably. 

Some have asked why we positioned the Tardis Coop where we did as it can't really be seen. Reason one, we live in the city, so the rules require the coop to be in the backyard, and so the only people who could see our coop are our neighbors. Reason two, we built it close to our back door, so we wouldn't have to trek through snow in the winter to check on the chickens and collect eggs.

Well, that is our Tardis Chicken Coop! I will do another post later that focuses on our chickens, but until then, you can follow our chicken adventure on Instagram! Username: whovianchickens