How to Make Your Own Fleece Liners For Cloth Diapers

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What is a Fleece Liner?

If you are new to the cloth diapering world, fleece liners are just a rectangle shape of fabric made of fleece that many cloth diaper users use to put on top of the diaper, next to baby's skin.


It makes cleaning up poop a lot easier. Most poop just rolls off the fleece into the toilet, but occasionally you may want a diaper sprayer, especially for the sticky ones, and it just washes right off into the toilet.

The other benefit, it just goes in the wash with the cloth diapers! Totally reusable, unlike those flushable paper liners that are available as well.

And the final benefit, they are cheap and easy to make!

How to Make Yout Own Fleece Liners

Where to get fleece?

First, you will need to get some fleece. My favorite place to go is JoAnn Fabric (used to love Hancock Fabrics, but they closed). They usually have a bin of fabric scraps you can look through. The scraps are sold at a discount too! You could always buy a yard of fleece too, the cheapest is $3.99 a yard I believe,  but your baby's going to poop on it anyway, so might as well just grab whatever you can find in the scrap bin as it will be cheaper.

I have heard from others that Walmart also has some cheap fleece blankets for $3 or less that you can buy and just cut up too. I haven't seen for myself as I personally don't like shopping there.

How much do I need?

How much fleece you need will be totally dependent on how many diapers your baby goes through. Since scraps are so cheap, I would aim to get more than you think you need. Plus they have other uses too!

We gave our baby an empty plastic wipe container and put our extra scraps in there to pull out, she loved it! It's a great fine motor activity.


Now that you have your fleece, your next step is to measure and cut! To figure out the size, I took a cloth diaper insert and laid it on top of the fleece. I then drew a rectangle around it with a marker so I knew where to cut.

After I cut my first fleece rectangle I just used that as my stencil for the rest.

All Done!

Yup, that's it, you are all done! You don't need to sew or anything!

The edging that some people put on the fleece liners is just to make them pretty. It serves no purpose. I don't have a sewing machine, so that's mainly why I chose not to, but even if I did, I personally think it's kind of silly to put that kind of effort into something that's just going to get pooped on in the end.